The Safari Highlands Ranch Draft EIR public comment period closed on January 2, 2018. As part of our long-planned response, SPVPA and Endangered Habitats League retained an impressive team of experts to analyze and submit comments on the SHR DEIR. The results of this effort are available, in full and unedited, in the Expert Analysis section of our website.  We have also begun to upload comment letters from outside agencies, stakeholders and individuals, and will be adding more of these in the coming days.

It bears restating that the DEIR comment period is generally limited in scope to issues related to the completeness and accuracy of the DEIR, more so than broad, global points of opposition. That said, the following statement submitted by Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP cuts to the chase regarding the current effort to spread urban sprawl into this rural area of San Pasqual Valley:

“The proposed Project is a glaring example of the kind of sprawl development that virtually every state and regional planning effort in California today is seeking to contain. Even more troubling, that sprawl would be placed in one of the most environmentally constrained areas of the County. As a result, the Project would have devastating impacts across the board, and, not surprisingly, is inconsistent with every regional planning document applicable to the Project site.” –William J. White, Marlene Dehlinger, Carmen J. Borg, AIC – Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP (White, et. al., 2017)

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